Thursday, June 5, 2008

Scarey 12 hours...

So we had a change of plans with our ultrasound. On Tuesday night I was babysitting when I realized that I had started bleeding. I immediately called the doctor on call and was told that 50% of the time this means absolutely nothing and the baby is fine (oddly enough those 50% odds didn't comfort me all that much). The doctor told me to call the office first thing in the morning and schedule an ultrasound. Needless to say I didn't do much sleeping Tuesday night and frantically called at 8am to get my appointment. Luckily they had an appointment at 8:40 and Rob stayed home to go with me.

We arrived at the doctors office and I was greeted by one of my closest friends from middle school (that I haven't seen since then and didn't know she worked there). It was nice to see a familiar face and it was even better to see how great she looked! Anyway, after what seemed like forever they called me in and in about 2 minutes flat she located the baby (and the heartbeat!!) and an area of bleeding. She said that the bleeding was not coming from the baby and I was pretty much good to go. THANK GOD! She also said I was only a little beyond 6 weeks pregnant but I am going to ignore that for the time being because the quicker I can get to 12 weeks the quicker I can start to relax, plus she said early on things can very quite a bit.

Here are the first pictures of the baby! The little arrow is where the baby is. Keep in mind the baby is way less than an inch long so you aren't really going to be able to see much. But take our word for it, there was a great heartbeat that went along with the little one!

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