Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I'm sorry it's taken me many days to post this exciting news but we've been so insanely busy. My ultrasound was changed from 9/5 to 8/29 which was soooo exciting. Rob, mom and I packed into the little ultrasound room at the OB's office and it was AMAZING to see. We got to see cute little fingers, the brain, arm and leg bones, kidneys and a really awesome view of the baby's spine (I know it sounds so bizarre but the spine really was so cool to see). All of those things were very easy to see and it only took about 5 minutes to get nice pictures of them all, and then the big question...is it a boy or a girl? Sadly our little man was butt out and not moving much. The poor woman doing the ultrasound patiently tried to get some movement, shifted where she was looking and took lots of pictures to occupy our time. Then my question came "when is the next ultrasound if you can't tell the gender today" and she replied "there isn't one." To which I nearly lost it, this baby is as stubborn as me already! Anyway, she asked if I could do some Yoga-like move and poof perfect view that we are having a little boy! Mom and I headed right out to Baby Gap where she got the cutest outfits for her first grandchild and off to Mimi Maternity where she got me some wonderful pregnancy clothes. I will post pictures of Baby Boncoddo's first present soon!

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